Imaging is an important part of dental care, and dental professionals have several options for getting a closer look at patients’ teeth. X-rays are the traditional approach, but this technology has limitations. Intraoral digital imaging has proving to be a valuable asset to any dental practice for both the dentist and patient.
How is Intraoral Digital Imaging Different from Dental X-rays?
Intraoral digital imaging and x-rays use the same technology to take images of your teeth and gums. The primary difference is that intraoral digital imaging produces a higher level of detail thanks to the higher level of contrast in using 256 shades of grey versus the maximum of 25 shades of grey for traditional x-rays.
How More Detail in Intraoral Digital Imaging Contributes to Oral Health
Oral hygiene issues are best treated when problems are found early. Damage to the teeth, gums, and bones can be prevented rather than retroactively remedied. The greater detail of intraoral digital imaging means that your dentist can detect even the smallest indications of oral health issues earlier when using advanced dental imaging techniques.
What are the Other Benefits of Intraoral Digital Imaging?
Other benefits that make intraoral digital imaging the preferred choice for dentists and patients are:
- Faster image development to reduce appointment times
- Availability of digital storage for patient records
- Ease of sharing images with other oral health providers, such as periodontists and oral surgeons
- Generation of high-quality images in a short amount of time
- More cost-effectiveness due to the reduced need for supplies at dental practices
- Ability to magnify images and spot oral complications
What Happens During the Intraoral Digital Imaging Procedure?
The procedure for intraoral digital imaging is similar to that of traditional x-rays. The key difference is the machine that is used to produce the images. For intraoral imaging, mouthpieces are used to position a patient’s teeth for the images. A protective apron is placed over the patient, and the technician positions the digital imaging machine. The technician goes to another room to take the digital images. The dentist then comes into the exam room to review the images with patients. The dentist will then recommend a treatment plan based on the findings of the intraoral digital imaging. is a world famous dental information technology company, founded by Mr. Paul Vigario. specializes in areas such as dental technologies, digital workflow, marketing, dental cloud solutions, and HIPAA compliance.’s technology solutions are revolutionizing general, cosmetic, and pediatric dentistry, along with oral surgery, endodontics, orthodontics, and other specialized dental practices. At Everything Is Connected™