The Different Fields of Dentistry

The Different Fields of Dentistry

For many people, the thought of dentistry consists of going to your local family dentist for a routine check-up and cleaning.  Depending on your needs, you may not have to visit another specialists office. However, aside from your general dentist, there are other...
What is Digital Smile Design?

What is Digital Smile Design?

Technology in the dental industry has experienced many different innovations that have improved dental practices for both dental professionals and their patients.  As technology continues to evolve and develop, dental professionals are finding new ways to perfect...
Who is Pepper The Robot?

Who is Pepper The Robot?

For many, the familiarity of intelligent robots begins and ends with blockbuster movie hits, or simply imagination.  However, the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning continues to develop at an astonishing rate; and although a robot uprising...